TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) – Kordestan province was connected to the country's rail network as the 24th province with the inauguration of the 151 km long Hamadan-Sanandaj railway project by the President.

President Ebrahim Raeisi, who traveled to Kordestan province in west Iran as part of the second round of provincial trips of his Popular Administration, put the Hamedan-Sanandaj railway project into operation in the first part of the trip on Thursday.

The Hamedan-Sanandaj railway project was about 60% advanced during the last 18 years and had been paused because of budget-related problems before President Raeisi's government took office in August 2021.

The operation to complete this project was resumed last year after the President's visit to Kordestan and the securing of 14 trillion rials of allocated budget.

The Hamedan-Sanandaj railway route is nearly 151 km (including 177 km of station lines), with seven stations along the route.

Considering the special characteristics of the railway industry, the use of this project will create direct employment, and facilitate the movement of passengers and cargo from the west to the centre of the country and vice versa.

The President told reported at the Sannadaj airport upon his arrival this morning that “Kordestan is the province of culture and art, piousness and loyalty to the glorious Islamic Revolution, steadfastness, resistance, standing against the enemies and the province of martyrs, veterans."

Raeisi pointed out that in the first round of the trip last year, we identified the needs of the province and work were started in different parts of the province, and said, “Reports indicate that many of these plans have been implemented and we can announce to the people that they are done by the hands of the youth and your competent managers.”

“I hope our trip is also a big step towards the development and solving the problems of the Kordestan province and its people,” the president added.

Other government projects such as linking Garran Dam to Zrebar Lake in Marivan County and the inauguration of Saqqez Airport are on the agenda of the president and his accompanying ministers.