TEHRAN, Oct. 09 (MNA) – Those threatening Iran will face a destructive response in case of any foolish move, an Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman warned on Monday, reacting to Zionsit regime's threats.

"Important developments are taking place in Palestine," Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan'ani said in his weekly presser on Monday.

Hamas's Al-Aqsa Storm Operation on Occupied Lands responded to the repeated actions of the Zionist regime in desecrating the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Holy  Al-Quds and the daily crime against the Palestinian people, Kan'ani said.

Reacting to baseless claims against Iran over having a role in this operation, he said that making such politicized accusations are motivated by Israel's heavy defeat and they justify the West and the American regime's support for adventures of the Zionist regime.

Making claims agaisnt Iran and Hezbollah does not reduce the international responsibility of the UK and the United States, he noted.

Those parties that supported the Zionist regime against the Palestinian nation are now seeking to change the place of the oppressor and the oppressed, he said.

Criticizing the double standards of the West against the oppressed people of Palestine, he added, "It is never acceptable that Western governments, especially the American regime and a certain number of European governments, continue to use psychological warfare against the Palestinian nation to put the oppressor in the place of the oppressed."

The 75-year-old rights of the Palestinian people have been violated by the occupying regime, and Western countries stood against the Palestinian people, he added.

Referring to the obvious position of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding the Palestinian cause, the Iranian diplomat said that the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds are important for Muslims around the world.

Saying that Iran has announced its principled position, he added, "In a telephone conversation with his Iraqi counterpart, the Iranian Foreign Minister proposed the holding of an extraordinary meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on the Palestine issue."

Holding such a meeting helps Islamic countries to use domestic and international capacities for political and spiritual support and international legal support for the Palestinian nation, he underlined.

Tehran-Riyadh economic ties:

Regarding the latest status of Tehran-Riyadh economic ties, he said, "Various issues have been raised in bilateral meetings. The commercial and economic cooperation of the two countries has been discussed in the last bilateral meeting of the ministers of the two countries."

The issue of cooperation in the field of joint investments is also on the agenda of the Iranian ambassador in Riyadh, he said.

The resumption of the holding of Joint Economic Commission meetings and the formation of the committee for coordination and follow-up of economic cooperation was agreed upon by Iranian and Saudi top diplomats.

On Casasus developments

Tehran's point of view and position towards Casasus is clear, Kan'ani said, adding, "The presence of the Zionist regime in the region does not create security. In Islamic countries, the Zionist regime pursues its interests in creating instability and fueling differences between Islamic countries."

Referring to the visit of the Azerbaijani official to Tehran, Kan'ani said, 'This trip was in line with the continuation of ties between the high-ranking officials of the two countries and in the political, economic fields and the topic of developments in the Caucasus"

The Azerbaijani embassy will also start its activities in Tehran, he announced.