TEHRAN, Aug. 05 (MNA) – Pakistan’s former prime minister, Imran Khan was arrested in Lahore after a Pakistani trial court sentenced him to three years in prison.

Police have arrested Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan in the eastern city of Lahore after a Pakistani trial court sentenced him to three years in prison for illegally selling state gifts.

The 70-year-old cricketer-turned-politician was accused of misusing his premiership minister from 2018 to 2022 to buy and sell gifts in state possession that were received during visits abroad and worth more than 140 million Pakistani rupees ($635,000).

“Judge Humayun Dilawar announced that involvement in corrupt practices has been proven,” Pakistan TV said on Saturday.

According to the Al Jazeera reporter from Islamabad, protocol requires prime ministers to store the objects in the state’s safe house, while Khan is accused of having sold them at a profit.

He added that the opposition leader’s residence had been sealed off and that security forces were patrolling the area.

The conviction came just a day after Pakistan’s high court had temporarily halted the district court trial. It was not immediately clear why the trial had proceeded despite the high court decision.

Khan was not present in court for the hearing. Over 150 cases were brought against him since he was ousted in April last year. He has denied any wrongdoing, saying the charges are politically motivated.

Legal experts say a conviction in the case could end his chances of participating in national elections that have to be held before early November.

Khan’s lawyer also stated that the former prime minister has been arrested in Lahore and a petition against the court decision has been filed.

Khan became prime minister in 2018 and was ousted in a 2022 non-confidence vote.