TEHRAN, Jul. 20 (MNA) – The preparation of a draft of a new interstate agreement on the Iran-Russia strategic partnership continues, the Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said.

Maria Zakharova made the remark answering questions about possible difficulties in the process of drafting the treaty after the protests of the Iranian side in connection with the joint statement following the ministerial meeting of the strategic dialogue between Russia and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf (PGCC), Trend reported. 

Zakharova reminded that the results of the sixth meeting of the Strategic Dialogue between Russia and the PGCC, which took place on July 10 in Moscow, were discussed during a telephone conversation between the foreign Ministers of Russia and Iran on July 18.

"The foreign ministers of both countries confirmed their commitment to the fundamental principles of international law enshrined in the UN Charter, including respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity," she said.

Last week, foreign ministers from the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and Russia held the sixth joint ministerial meeting of the strategic dialogue in Moscow.

The statement issued by Russia and the PGCC after the meeting questioned Iran’s redlines regarding its ownership of the Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb, and Abu Musa.

The move of Moscow which is considered an ally of Tehran was met with serious responses by top Iranian officials and diplomats.