TEHRAN, Jun. 20 (MNA) – The victories of the Resistance Front have revealed and proved that the image that the Zionists tried to portray of their alleged deterrence power is not real, the Iranian president said on Tuesday.

The victories of the Resistance Front showed that the claim of the Zionists about their power of deterrence is not true, Ebrahim Raeisi said in a meeting with the Hamas delegation in Tehran.

The Resistance Front is changing the balance of power not only in Palestine but in the region and the international arena, Raeisi said.

Today, the signs prove that Resistance is stronger than ever and its enemies are in a weaker position than ever before, he noted.

Even those who once sought to normalize ties with the Zionist regime and its supporters have deeply concluded that it is useless to negotiate with this regime and that the only possible way to face it is resistance, Raeisi said.

Today, no one has the slightest trust in the Zionist regime and its supporters, and this is another great achievement for the Resistance, he further said.

The most important issue of the Islamic world is the liberation of Al-Quds, he said, adding that any attempt to normalize relations with the Zionist regime is a betrayal of the Palestinian cause and a backstabbing of the Resistance movement.

Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh, for his part, said that Resistance has achieved advanced levels of strength and endurance.

He expressed gratitude for the continuous support of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the cause of the liberation of Al-Quds.

He added that the Resistance Front is expanding not only in Gaza and the West Bank but also in the occupied territories of 1948 and even among Palestinians outside of Palestine.

Heading a high-ranking delegation, Hamas Political Bureau Chief Ismail Haniyeh arrived in Tehran on Monday morning.

The trip is being held at the invitation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
