"Very important news came from Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte today," he said in a video address, posted on his Telegram channel late on Tuesday. "One more Patriot battery will be provided to Ukraine."
"Therefore, we are already having three guaranteed batteries at our disposal. But this is just the beginning. We are working on new solutions to enhance our air defenses," the Ukrainian president added, TASS reported.
Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte said earlier that his country would join the US-led project to provide Ukraine with Patriot missile systems. Earlier, the governments of the US and Germany announced their readiness to provide Ukraine with such systems.
The Patriot is a surface-to-air missile system which has been used in the United States since the 1980s. The Patriot systems manufactured by the Raytheon corporation are capable of hitting planes, drones, cruise missiles, and shorter-and intermediate-range missiles. One battery consists of five to eight mobile units. The platform can hold launch containers for 4 or 16 missiles depending on the modification.