Publish Date: 21 July 2022 - 10:17

TEHRAN, Jul. 20 (MNA) – Media have reported that the Belgian Parliament has ratified a bill on the extradition of convicts with Iran, which can facilitate a prisoner swap between the two countries.

Belgian MPs voted Wednesday to ratify the treaty allowing prisoner exchanges with Iran, potentially opening the way for the release of Iranian diplomat Asadullah Assadi.

After two days of rowdy debate, parliament voted by 79 to 41 to back the agreement, France 24 reported.

 The treaty had already won approval from a parliamentary commission on July 6.

Ratifying this treaty at Belgium Parliament comes as recently many adversary groups had used all their efforts against the Islamic Republic of Iran to prevent the approval of the agreement, which could lead to the release of Iranian diplomat Assadollah Assadi.

In violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, a court in Belgium has sentenced an Iranian diplomat to 20 years behind bars on the charges that Iran had previously rejected.

Iras has strongly condemned Assadi's detention and trail as illegal.

The West’s support for the anti-Iran terrorist group of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq Organisation (MKO), showed once again itself in the form of convicting an Iranian diplomat by the name of Assadollah Assadi, on baseless charges to 20 years in prison.

The Iranian government believes that the plot against Assadi was initially designed by the Israeli Mossad.
