TEHRAN, Jul. 19 (MNA) – Threatening Iran and Russia to face more sanctions in case of any transaction of drone technology, the US State Department spokesman said that Washington will continue to watch very closely.

"Well, we’ve spoken about our concerns regarding a potential Russian provision – excuse me, a potential Iranian provision of UAV technology to Russia. We will continue to watch very closely. All of our sanctions remain in force," said Ned Price in a press conference in response to a question about Russia's acquisition of weapons-capable drones from Iran.

"Any transaction of this sort would implicate a number of sanctions that we have on the books and presumably a number of sanctions that countries around the world have on the books. So this is something that we’ll continue to monitor," he claimed. 

The US administration said earlier that Iran was planning to supply several hundred unmanned aerial vehicles, including those capable of carrying weapons, to Russia.

The claims of the US officials about Tehran preparing to sell military drones to Russia, came as the spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry has rejected these claims.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman reacted to the US claims on handing over Iranian-made military achievements to Russia, saying that Iran-Russia cooperation in the new technologies field dates back prior to the Ukraine war.
