TEHRAN, May 23 (MNA) – Uzbekistan's deputy minister of foreign affairs Furkat Sidikov in a meeting with Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy Mahdi Safari expressed his country's willingness on using Iran's transit routes.

Safari and Sidikov discussed the latest status of Iran-Uzbekistan's cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, and transportation on Sunday.

Referring to the growing trend of interactions between the two countries in recent years, Safari announced Iran's readiness to cooperate with Uzbekistan in all available fields and called for more efforts by both sides to increase trade exchanges between the two countries.

Referring to the forthcoming visit of the Iranian President to Uzbekistan to attend the meeting of heads of permanent members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the official bilateral meeting with his Uzbek counterpart, the Uzbek side called this visit an important historical event in the relations between the two countries.

Due to Uzbekistan's interest in using Iran's transit routes, especially the suitable capacities of Chabahar port, it was decided that the work of specialized groups in this regard would be activated.

It was also decided that both parties provide the necessary facilities for holding special exhibitions.
