Speaking in an interview with IRNA on Monday, Javad Karimi Ghodousi assessed that President Raeisi’s visit to the Russian Federation is in line with neutralizing sanctions and improving Iran’s relations with the neighboring countries.
Russian President Vladimir Putin was the first president that congratulated the election of Ebrahim Raeisi as president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ghodousi said.
Russia has strengthened and deepened its amicable ties with Iran in a recent decade, he said, adding that the developments between Iran and Russia in the international arena caused relations between two neighboring countries to enhance day by day.
President Raeisi’s visit to Russia is taking place in a very good condition, because, the two sides have taken advantage of their potentials in regional and international cooperation and security, defense, military economic and political sectors.
Removal of US oppressive sanctions imposed against Iran is the main strategy of the current government under President Raeisi and for this purpose, Raeisi’s administration is to strengthen its relations with neighboring states.