TEHRAN, Nov. 09 (MNA) – During Iran’s army military drill entitled “Zolfaghar 1400”, American MQ-9 and RQ4 drones that had entered the FIR and the ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) areas of Iran were intercepted by Iran’s Army Air Defense.

These trans-regional drones changed their course from approaching the borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran after being intercepted and alerted by Iran's air defense. 

It should be noted that joint Zolfaghar 1400 Army military exercise was at the focal attention of trans-regional forces especially the United States, since the beginning of the drill, and in this regard, American MQ-9 and RQ4 drones intended to obtain information in the vicinity of the military exercise.

The joint military exercise of Iran's Army entitled "Zolfaghar 1400" kicked off on Sunday under the command of the Army’s Zolfaghar base.

Monitoring of the country's airspace and general training area in the southern part of the country by the Air Defense Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as combating hostile targets are among the targets of the ‘Zolfaghar 1400’ joint exercise.
