TEHRAN, Nov. 04 (MNA) – The commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps said that the Americans are used to defeats at the hands of the Iranian nation, but they have yet to learn the lesson well.

The commander-in-Chief of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps attended the rally and commemoration ceremony of the National Day of Fight against Global Arrogance that was held in front of the former US embassy in Tehran, which is now called the Den of Espionage on Thursday.

Addressing the revolutionary people of Tehran who participated in the massive rally, Major General Hossein Salami said that today is a great day for the Iranian nation.

Referring to the anniversary of the takeover of the former US Embassy in Iran in 1979, Salami added that on this day, the United States, which was the greatest empire in history was defeated.

Saying that the Americans are used to defeats at the hands of the Iranian people, he added that however,  they have not yet learned the lesson well.

Salami stressed the US hegemony moves to wage wars in the world, saying that more than 40 major wars in 40 parts of the world are the outcome of Americans' politics in the world.

According to Major General Salami, the Islamic Revolution in Iran foiled the US plots for the region. He said while the United States dreamed of dominating the Islamic world so as to dominate the entire world, the Islamic Revolution of Iran prevented the Americans' dream to come true.

"Today we no longer see the United States in the center of regional politics, the American allies in the region have lost their trust in the policy of that country", Salami added.

"The Americans can no longer support the Zionist regime" the IRGC chief commander said, adding that Americans have come to a dead end in the region and cannot make up their mind whether to stay or leave the region.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Salami referred the news released on Wednesday over the failure of the US attempt to steal an Iranian oil tanker in the strategic Sea of Oman recently.

"Americans support terrorists on some scenes and international oil thieves on other scenes," he said

IRGC chief said the Americans sought to steal the Iranian oil tanker, however, the forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps came to the scene to defend the interests of the Iranian nation.

He added that Iran is the main provider of security to the region, calling on the regional countries to rely on Iran for their security rather than foreign powers.

"There is no need to seek help from those who are unable maintain their own security, he pointed out.
