TEHRAN, Aug. 10 (MNA) – Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi said that intervention of foreigners in the internal affairs of the region is ‘tense and threatening’.

Speaking in his meeting with visiting Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein in Tehran on Tue., President Raeisi stated that Islamic Republic of Iran considers intervention of foreigners in the internal affairs of regional countries ‘tender and threatening’.

While expressing his thanks for the invitation of Iraqi foreign minister for participating in “Iraq Neighboring Countries’ Summit’, Raeisi said that Iraqi move for holding such summit is ‘appreciable’.

As Islamic Republic of Iran considers the dialogue between countries of region to resolve bilateral problems, it (Iran) also regards the intervention of foreigners in internal affairs of the regional countries  as ‘threatening’, he said, adding cooperation and interaction among countries of the region without interference of foreigners is a necessary condition for regional stability and security as well as establishment of peace in the countries of the region.

Islamic Republic of Iran has always been sensitive and concerned about resolving problems in Iraq, President Raeisi emphasized.

He went on to say that Islamic Republic of Iran considers growth and development of Iraq as its own growth and development.

Visiting Iraqi foreign minister, for his turn, submitted the invitation letter of Iraqi prime minister to President Raeisi for taking part in “Iraq’s Neighboring Countries’ Summit” and called it as a move in line with supporting the political process and economic progress of Iraq.

This Summit is a step towards laying the foundation for the collective action of regional countries to create lasting security in the region.

Lasting peace and security in the region would not be possible without the presence of Iran and Iraq, he said, adding that holding this Summit will create a basis for dialogue between countries of the region with one another in order to reach a collective understanding in the region.
