Publish Date: 3 June 2021 - 14:40

TEHRAN, Jun. 03 (MNA) – The number of deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in Iran surpassed 80,658 on Thursday.

The coronavirus pandemic has claimed the lives of 80,658 people so far, with 170 more Iranians succumbing to the deadly disease in the last 24 hours, the Health Ministry’s spokeswoman Sima Lari said on Thursday.

Over the last 24 hours, 9,657 new cases of COVID-19 infection were detected, 1,400 of whom required hospitalization, according to Lari.

Some 2,508,907 patients have recovered or have been discharged from hospitals out of a total of 2,945,100 infected people with 3,924 of them in critical condition in intensive care units, she said.

She added that 20,310,621 coronavirus diagnostic tests have been carried out across the country so far.
