TEHRAN, Apr. 27 (MNA) – Local sources report that the hospitals in the city of Ma'rib are full of dead and wounded militants affiliated with the Saudi coalition.

More than 115 Saudi-affiliated militants were killed and wounded in heavy clashes around the city of Ma'rib yesterday.

According to military sources, the resigned government militants tried to regain their lost positions in the Tala'at al-Hamra area but to no avail. 

Also, a large number of militants affiliated with the resigned government were killed and wounded in the al-Mashjah area following numerous ambushes by Sanaa government forces.

According to these sources, at least 87 people were killed and wounded in the al-Mashjah area, and 38 militants were killed in Tala'at al-Hamra.

News sources reported Tuesday that the Yemeni army and popular committees have been able to take control of Tala'at al-Hamra, the largest and most important headquarters of the resigned Yemeni government.

Sana'a forces were able to take control of one of the most strategic areas in the province as they advanced toward the city of Ma'rib, news sources reported.

According to Al-Akhbar, through Talabat al-Hamra, Sana'a forces can shorten the distance to the center of Ma'rib province. 
