TEHRAN, Dec. 01 (MNA) – Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) is tasked with supplying uranium with a richness of over 20%.

The Iranian Parliament, in its open session on Tuesday and along with investigating the strategic plan to counter-sanctions, mandated the AEOI to supply uranium enriched with more than 20 percent for peaceful purposes.

َAccording to one of the articles of the motion, the Iranian organization is obliged to produce uranium with 20% enrichment for peaceful purposes immediately after the ratification of this law and to store at least 120kg of it annually in the country.

It is also obliged to fully meet the country's need for peaceful uses of uranium enriched with more than 20% completely and without delay.

Immediately after the adoption of this law and its ratification in the Guardians Council, the AEOI  will be obliged to increase the enrichment capacity and production of enriched uranium to at least 500 kg per month, regarding the country's need, and to maintain and accumulate enriched materials in the country, according to Article II of the plan. 

Article III makes the AEOI obliged to start the installation, injection of gas, enrichment, and storage of materials up to the appropriate degree of richness within 3 months, via at least 1,000 IR-2m centrifuges in the underground part of Shahid Ahmadi Roshan facility in Natanz. The organization is also forced to meet the standards of the Iranian Passive Defense Organization in this regard. 

Article IV says that the AEOI has to make the metal uranium production plant in Isfahan within five months after the ratification of this law. 

Article V mandates the organization to optimize the operation of the 40-MW heavy water reactor in Arak and also to design a new 40-MW heavy water reactor for producing hospital radioisotopes. 
Article VI, the government is obliged to suspend the voluntary implementation of the Additional Protocol two months after the ratification of this law, in case the P4+1 countries would not fulfill their obligations towards Iran and would neither normalize the banking relations nor remove barriers to Iran's oil export and sale.

According to Article VII, If the P4 + 1 countries (Germany, Britain, France, China, and Russia) take action to fulfill their obligations and complete the lifting of anti-Iranian sanctions, including the nuclear, military, human rights ones and etc. against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the government is required to provide a detailed report of the taken measures to the parliament.

Article VII puts the Iranian President, the relevant officials, and the affiliated executive bodies in charge of the correct and complete implementation of this law.
