TEHRAN, Sep. 24 (MNA) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei noted that martyrs have taught the generations of the Iranian people to not be afraid of the enemy.

“The passage of time has not been able and will never be to erase the dear martyrs from the memory of the Iranian nation. This shining tablet will always be decorated with the title of martyrdom and the memory of martyrs,” wrote the Leader in a message on Thursday on the occasion of the Sacred Defense Week which marks the start of imposed Saddam Hossein regime’s war on Iran back in 1980.

“This historical reserve will always give our generations hope, determination, and courage to take firm steps towards lofty goals and not be afraid of the enmity of the devils of the world,” added Ayatollah Khamenei.

“The front of justice and truth will achieve great victories with this divine power and arrangement, God willing.”

PHOTO: Ayatollah Khamenei paying tribute to martyrs at Tehran’s Bahesht-e Zahra cemetery in February 2020
