Referring to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s claims regarding the Snapback Mechanism and the return of UN sanctions on Iran, Baeidinejad wrote, “Thirty days after the initial US request for the return of six UN sanction resolutions against Iran, the Security Council, without any action, declared its opposition to the US and filed that request.”
“The US is facing unprecedented isolation and its policies against the JCPOA have completely failed,” he added.
Under the 2015 nuclear deal that Iran struck with six major powers - the United Kingdom, China, France, Germany, Russia, and the US - the UN conventional arms embargo is set to expire on October 18.
The US, which abandoned that deal in May 2018, claimed it has triggered a "snap back," or resumption, of all UN sanctions on Iran, including the arms embargo, which would take effect at 8 pm on Saturday night (00:00 GMT on Sunday).
This is while the other parties to the nuclear deal and most of the UN Security Council have said the US has no right to reimpose the UN sanctions and that the move has no legal effect.
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