TEHRAN, Jul. 01 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Seyyed Abbas Mousavi said that destructive and destabilizing presence of the United States is the real threat to the region.

He made the remarks on Wed. in a reaction to the statements of US Special Envoy for Iran's Affairs Brian Hook, his divisive mission to the countries of region and his threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran and added, “military option on the Americas’ table is a moldy option that has been on the table of delusional US presidents for years.”

Mousavi called the allegations made by Brian Hook ‘baseless and unfounded’ and condemned it strongly.

Concurrent with the desperate attempt to justify issue of extension of Iran’s arms embargo, Brian Hook talks about the military option on Iran, he said, adding, “the US military option against Iran is a moldy option which have been on the table of US delusional presidents for years.”

The principled policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the military sector is quite clear and the nature of these programs are completely defensive, he emphasized.

The destructive and destabilizing presence of the United States, turning the region into military bases, preventing the region from progressing and developing due to the divisions and intimidating in order to easily sell products of US military industries are the real threat to the region, Mousavi stressed.

As long as the US officials talk too much about the military option against the Iranian people and delay its withdrawal from the region, Islamic Republic of Iran will spare no legitimate effort to strengthen its military might by relying upon its domestic capacity.

Islamic Republic of Iran considers this its inalienable right to defend the national interests of Iranians, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mousavi highlighted.
