TEHRAN, Jun. 06 (MNA) – In reaction to US President Trump’s tweet, Iranian Parliament Speaker’s Special Aide for International Affairs Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said that Iranians know very well the chief of well-dressed terrorists in the White House.

“Trump cannot sign a terrorist order w/ one hand to assassinate the global champion of counter-terrorism, i.e. Major General #Soleimani, and ask w/ the other hand to negotiate w/ #Iran,” Amir-Abdollahian wrote in a Saturday tweet in reaction to US President Trump’s tweet.

“The civilized Iranians know very well the chief of well-dressed terrorists in the @WhiteHouse,” he added.

The tweet came in response to a tweet by Trump after the release of Michael White.

“So great to have Michael home. Just arrived. Very exciting. Thank you to Iran. Don’t wait until after US Election to make the Big deal. I’m going to win. You’ll make a better deal now!”

Meanwhile, Iranian authorities have dismissed claims by the United States administration that a recent prisoner swap between Washington and Tehran was the outcome of successful negotiations between the two sides.

Tehran announced on Thursday the release of a US citizen, Michael White, who had been imprisoned on security charges in Iran.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Abbas Mousavi said Mr. White was released with Islamic kindness and based human rights considerations and left Tehran to join his family soon.

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