Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh elaborated on the launching operation of the Noor-1 Satellite by the domestically-built launcher Qassed (messenger) on Wednesday morning and said,” Qassed launcher has been modified and its propulsion is a combination of liquid and solid fuel. It also operates in three stages. The propulsion of the launcher is non-metallic with a composite body which has been recently unveiled by the Chief Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.”
He further emphasized that solid-fuel launchers are equipped with the latest technology in the world and noted, “The Islamic Republic of Iran has developed these capabilities in recent years and with the help of Almighty God and we will take the next steps quickly.”
Commander of the IRGC Aerospace Force maintained that both the satellite and the launcher are totally domestic, adding, "Today, gaining access to space and using it is not a choice. It is an inevitable necessity and we must find our place in space.”
“Naturally, only the superpowers have this capability and others are only the consumers of this technology.” He added.
The first Iranian military satellite was launched on Wednesday by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force. The US intelligence and security forces could not have any clue about Iran's such activities and the launch was a total surprise for them.
MNA/IRN 83761129