TEHRAN, Feb. 18 (MNA) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said that enemies’ efforts to sow discord between the Islamic Establishment and the people will be in vain.

“As in Feb. 11 rallies and the funeral reception of Martyr Soleimani, enemies will not achieve their goals in the election,” he said while addressing thousands of people from East Azarbaijan on Tuesday.

The election will strengthen the country, the Leader highlighted.

The nationwide votes for the parliament and the midterm election of the Assembly of Experts will be held simultaneously on Friday, February 21.

“Do you see American propaganda on sowing discord between the Islamic Establishment and people? They are busy with planning and have created so-called think tanks. They aim to separate the Iranian youth from the Islamic Establishment, but they will not succeed,” he added.

“The election foils many of the evil intentions Americans and Zionists have in mind against the country.”

“We have repeatedly said that Iran must become strong; if it becomes strong, the enemy becomes disappointed and their conspiracies will be nipped in the bud,” added the Leader.

“One of the examples of getting stronger is to have a strong parliament; one that can give the country immunity in the face of adversary conspiracies by adopting necessary laws and leading the government to the desired path. “

The more people go to the polling stations, the stronger the parliament, he said, noting that people’s participation is only one pillar of a strong parliament.

He went on to say that US’ ‘first-class idiots’ are again speaking nonsense about the Iranian people, establishment, and election. “These remarks partly arises from their intention to affect the election. They want to influence the election in any way possible; they want to make people lose faith in ballot boxes.”

“The remarks also partly come from passivity; after the martyrdom of our beloved general and the crime that the Americans committed, they became passive; meaning that the US president and his entourage literally became passive and found out they have carried out a wrong action; they were condemned both within the United States and from around the world.”

“America was seeking to dominate the region by assassinating our beloved general who had a deep influence in the region but the outcome was reversed; massive anti-American demonstration in Baghdad, issues in Syria and Aleppo and other issues of the region happened exactly in conflict with their intentions; so these nonsensical remarks are made to compensate for this passivity.”

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed to the statistics and realities about discrimination, social inequality, poverty and crime in the United States, adding that “Just as the glory of the famous Titanic ship did not prevent it from sinking, the attempt to embellish America's appearance and glory will not prevent it from sinking, and America will sink.”

“The Islamic Republic of Iran is not against any nation or race, but is against arrogance, cruelty and anti-human values; today, the peak of revolt [against human values] and arrogance is America which is in the hands of the rich Zionist corporations and is hated in the world.”

“America has tens of military bases around our country but if something happens, these bases will not be useful for America and also for those who give their money to America and pin hope on it because American arrogance is collapsing.”

MNA/ 4856044