TEHRAN, Oct. 28 (MNA) – A special assistant to the head of Iran’s nuclear agency says that the major nuclear site of Fordow is continuing its activity at a faster pace than the pre-JCPOA era.

“The site that the enemy and the hegemonic powers sought to shut down is continuing its activity more lively than before,” Ali Asghar Zarean, a special assistant to the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), said during a ceremony on Monday.

According to Zarean, the activity of Fordow nuclear site, which was built near the holy city of Qom by Iranian nuclear experts, has increased compared to the past.

The deputy chairman of the Iranian nuclear agency noted that prior to the signing of the nuclear deal (JCPOA), there were only 720 centrifuges working at the site, while today as many as 1,044 first-generation centrifuge machines are circling there. He also added that whenever the 20% uranium enrichment is needed in the country, the need can be met in a process that will make the West angry.

“Because the enemy was unable to harm Fordow and destroy it, they (enemies) focused on Fordow during the negotiations to slow its activities, something that did not happen,” he added.

The nuclear official further hailed the recent progress made at Fordow as incomparable with the progress previously made at the site, noting that the rate of enrichment in the country has not changed in comparison with the pre-JCPOA era.
