Publish Date: 8 August 2019 - 09:24

TEHRAN, Aug. 08 (MNA) – Iran and Turkey have launched the first direct train route between their capitals Tehran and Ankara after a four-year halt.

A five-car train, carrying 200 passengers, left Tehran for Ankara on Wednesday night, in a ceremony attended by Iran’s Deputy Minister of Road and Urban Development Saeed Rasooli.

The train service has been resumed following an agreement forged between Iran and Turkey in June.

According to Rasooli, the train will initially run once a week, then it will increase the number of trips.

The entire trip from Tehran to Ankara will take some 60 hours. The train will have a stopover in Iran’s northwestern city of Tabriz before crossing the border and getting to Turkey’s Van province. The passengers will then take ferries across Lake Van to get to Ankara.

According to reports, new train service will also be launched between Tehran and Turkey’s eastern city of Van once a week.

Besides, Iran and Turkey have finalized an agreement on the tariffs on cargo trains traveling between the two countries.
