Speaking to reporters on Sunday, Chairman of Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, said Iran frankly believes that there will be no war with the US, because Americans know their limits and Iran is well-prepared for defense.
“Americans are merely looking for a psychological war, and trying to tie this issue to their sanctions and economic pressures,” he said.
“Trump definitely won’t do that,” the senior MP said in response to US’ possible military war with Iran.
“There won’t be a war between Iran and the US, because the Americans’ strategy [for Iran] is not war,” he stressed.
He also maintained that Iran will not take Trump up on his offer to call the White House for negotiations.
He said the US has run out of options to exert more pressure on Iran, whereas Iran still has options.
Falahatpisheh further stressed that Iran does not seek to escalate crisis, adding “we believe that it will be the Americans who will have to change their positions in the future.”