Iranian short animated piece ‘Tangle’, directed by Maliheh Gholamzadeh, which offers a glimpse into the life of a girl during wartime, as well as short films ‘Umbra’ by Saeid Jafarian and ‘SineCide or No One Believes Me But The Police Are Chasing A Wrong Man’ directed by Ata Mojabi have made it into the short competition section of the 45th Seattle International Film Festival in the United States.
The festival is scheduled to run May 16 - June 9, 2019.
SIFF is the largest film festival in the United States, presenting more than 400 features, documentaries, and short films to an audience of 140,000 each year. SIFF is consistently ranked as one of the top festivals in North America, and is an Academy Award-qualifying festival for short films.