“The US proclamation on Golan has revealed the reality and dimension of the criminal scheme which aims to consolidate the occupation, spread chaos and divide our region,” Munzir added at a UN Security Council session about the situation in the Middle East on Monday, SANA News Agency reported.
He affirmed that UN Security Council resolution No. 497 stipulates the Syrian Golan as occupied land, and it considers that any procedures taken by Israel are null, void and have no legal effect.
“The Israeli occupation authorities continue perpetrating war crimes and crimes against humanity and terrorism against citizens of Golan through racial discrimination, arbitrary detention and grasping the lands of others,” Munzir said.
He went on to say that when Washington prevents the UN from assuming its responsibilities in maintaining the international peace and security, it encourages the Israeli occupation authorities to go ahead in their aggressive practices and their breaches of the international legitimacy resolutions.
Munzir added that Syria affirms the occupied Golan is part and parcel of its territory and it is a non-negotiable right.
“Syria’s stance is firm in support of the Palestinian people’s right of self-determination and establishing their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital,” Munzir concluded.