TEHRAN, Mar. 11 (MNA) – Foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi has censured Western countries for selling weapons to aggressors who are slaughtering the Yemeni people daily in the “cruelest way possible.”

In a statement on Monday, Iranian Foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi strongly condemned the barbaric airstrikes of Saudi-led coalition’s warplanes against Yemeni people in Talan village of Kushar district in Yemen's northwestern province of Hajjah on Sunday afternoon, which left 20 women and a child dead.

Ghasemi voiced regret at the silence and passivity of human rights organizations and circles in the face of inhumane war crimes committed by the aggressors in Yemen, saying “the voice of the innocent women and children of Yemen who, after years of suffering from the famine and the impact of the human catastrophe in their country, are being slaughtered every day in the most brutal manner possible by weapons sold and gifted to the aggressors by some Western countries, will not be heard as long as they are alive. But their death will be a permanent stamp on the shameful document of false defenders of human rights.”

“The defenders who are not only silent at the daily killings of women and children in Yemen, but are also complicit in these crimes by selling weapons to the aggressors,” Ghasemi concluded.
