TEHRAN, Mar. 04 (MNA) – The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPU) is opposing the normalization of relations between Israel and the Arab states over the unresolved Palestinian issue, the final statement of the 29th AIPU conference said.

According to Moscow-based 'UrduPoint News', the conference was held in the Jordanian capital of Amman on Sunday and Monday under the motto "Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Palestine" and involved speakers of parliaments of 16 Arab states as well as several representatives of other countries' parliaments.

"One of the most important steps on supporting our Palestinian brothers is to stop any forms of normalizing relations with Israeli occupants, that is why we are calling for taking a resolute and firm position on putting an end to any forms of normalizing relations with Israel," the statement said.

The document says that the end of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ensuring security and stability in the region will be possible only after the end of the Israeli occupation of the Arab territories. 

"The basis of the progress in political settlement [of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict] is solving the issue of final status [of Jerusalem]," the statement noted.

Participants of the AIPU conference pointed out the need to remove the United States from the list of independent mediators of the settlement process as, from their point of view, Washington is not an impartial actor anymore.

The AIPU has also called for reaching an intra-Palestinian unity, putting an end to rivalry between the Fatah movement, which controls the West Bank, and the Hamas movement that is governing the Gaza Strip.