Bolton was one of the influential officials in the country since the start of the war in Iraq in 2003, by the George Walker Bush administration until 2008 (when the neocons in the United States were at the head of the political and executive equations of the country). Bolton and his entourage have repeatedly become the symbol of the failure of the United States in the West Asia region.
However, Bolton's defeat in the United States is now far broader! John Bolton, the US National Security Adviser, continues his anti-Iranian negotiations in various fields. In recent months, he has been busy discussing the presence of Iran in Syria and, on the other hand, engaging in negotiations with other countries over Iran's sanctions. But the existing evidences suggest that the US National Security Adviser is not going to succeed in this regard.
Bolton's remarks come at a time when China, India and Turkey are refusing to comply with US secondary sanctions against Iran. Under such circumstances, even Trump's close friends (some of whom are opposed to the presence of Bolton at the White House) and many traditional Republicans doubt Bolton's success in confronting Iran. It's to be noted here that John Bolton was the main advocate of George W. Bush invasion to Iraq in 2003.
However, after a while it became clear that he and the other conservatives had stuck Washington in a terrible mire. By the end of the Bush presidency, Bolton has become the symbol of the defeat of the US President both inside and outside the country. Such a fate is already expected for Trump and Bolton. Many international affairs analysts believe that John Bolton, the current national security adviser in the United States, will soon become a symbol of the failure of the Trump government.
John Bolton, in his newest attempt against Iran, could not turn the anti-Iranian conference of Warsaw (held in the capital of Poland) into a place for international opposition to the Islamic Republic of Iran! The failure of the Warsaw conference brought costs and consequences for the US National Security Advisor and other officials of the country.
What is certain is that John Bolton has no choice but to confess to defeat against Iran. As we can see, John Bolton has started a full-fledged opposition to the Islamic Republic of Iran in the economic, political and regional dimensions. Donald Trump seems to have given Bolton full authorization in this regard, but he has not been able to take a practical step forward in confronting Iran.