“I believe this European financial channel will turn out to be meeting only food and medical needs,” Mohsen Rezaei said in a meeting with the veteran commanders on Thursday.
The Secretary of Iran's Expediency Council added “another step in the Trump’s plan is to depreciate the value of the national currency (the rial) so that no one else works with the rial and utterly force it out from the market. They seek to make it impossible for the [the Iranian] government to pay salaries and factories shut down. They also seek to create riots and chaos, and the MEK to take control and pave the way for US intervention under the pretext of human rights.”
But Rezaei, who served as IRGC commander in chief during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran, said that the American dream will never come true through revealing the true face of the Americans within the framework of a cultural revolution and relying on the internal resources.
The official further noted that through unity and cultural struggle along with proper economic policies, Iranian nation can thwart plots.