In a Monday tweet, Zarif posted a video related a part of his speech at Doha Forum on Saturday in which he talks about prospects of negotiating with the United States and claims of Iran’s intervention in the region.
“My response to @SecPompeo's notorious 12 delusions - including #Iran's "intervention" in its own region @DohaForum,” Zarif wrote in his post.
In the Doha Forum, when the host talked about Iran’s intervention in the region, Zarif said, “whose intervention?” He went on to say that the United States, as a transnational power, is intervening in the region while Iran is in its own region.
“It is our region. And anywhere we have troops or military advisors is on the invitation of the governments. Can the United States make the same claim?”
Here is the video of his speech:
Please download the file: video/mp4