Animated piece 'Chimney Man' by Meghdad Akhavan, 'Opaque' by Abouzar Paknejad and 'Amercian Bull' by Fatemeh Toosi managed to make it to the short film section of the Sofia MENAR Film Festival.
This section will host movies from the UAE, Turkey, Lebanon, Pakistan, France, Germany and Kenya.
There is also a section called "Focusing on the New Iranian Cinema", which will screen Iranian feature films such as 'Appendix' by Hossein Namazi, 'Leaf of Life' by Ebrahim Mokhtari, 'Motherhood' directed by Roghayyeh Tavakkoli, 'Orange Days' by Arash Lahouti, 'Sheeple' by Houman Seyyedi and 'Dark Room' by Rouhollah Hejazi.
Sofia MENAR Film Festival makes audience familiar with the culture and traditions of the Islam world. The program of Sofia MENAR Film Festival presents the best of Middle East and North Africa cinema productions, including feature films, documentaries and short projects. A lot of accompanying events are organised within the frames of the festival. These events are particularly selected and bound up with the countries of this region, representing traditions and customs of the ethnic groups that inhabit its lands.
The 2019 edition of the Sofia MENAR is slated for January 15-31 in the Bulgarian capital city.