TEHRAN, Aug. 30 (MNA) – In a joint meeting with the Iranian sports officials, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said that establishing solidarity, unity and amity considering conspiracies waged by enemies against the country is a national and revolutionary duty.

In the current situation that the country is facing conspiracies waged by enemy, officials should unite with one another and take logical steps in line with thwarting plots, Larijani maintained.

Speaking on late Wednesday in the presence of minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, president of National Olympic Committee and head of Islamic Republic of Iran Sports Federation for the Disabled, he pointed to Eid al-Ghadir as the most important Islamic celebration which manifests the sublime status of jurisprudence, identifies the bright way for all human beings.”

He seized this opportunity to express his special thanks to the sports officials including President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Sports Federation for the Disabled Mr. Khosravi Vafa, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Soltanifar and Head of National Olympic Committee Salehi Amiri who managed to enhance and promote sports level of the country both in national and international arenas.

He once again called on all government officials to join their hands together especially at the current situation that the country is facing many threats and wished evermore success to all athletes both in national and international competitions.
