TEHRAN, Jul. 06 (MNA) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution has addressed the congregation of worshipers during the prayer of Eid al-Fitr in Tehran Musalla (Great Prayer Ground).

On Wednesday, 1st of Shawwal of the lunar year, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei addressed the congregation briefly where he began with the tragic events in Iraq, especially in Baghdad, in Indonesia, Turkey and elsewhere in the Muslim world, where terrorists, fostered by intelligence systems of the US, UK, and Israel to impose a fabricated version of Islam, had been acting in sabotage of these Islamic countries. "The war was even violent and devastating in the world of Islam in Libya and Syria, which turned this holy day and days before, days of grief for many Muslims," he added.

"They [imperialism proxies] made a civil war out of conflict. In Yemen for example, people had been suffering bombardments for months; however, they turned out in streets on International Quds Day rallies. Enemies' efforts are focused on pushing the Palestinian issue to a corner to be forgotten. However, world of Islam has a great responsibility to cry the oppressive nature of the Zionist conduct even louder than before," he told the congregation. "While some Muslim states betray Palestinian Cause and some nations are not aware of it, Iranians proved in Quds Day rally they stand against all enemies to keep Palestine issue alive."

The second issue is inordinate amount of salary bills of government authorities, which the Leader emphasized was betrayal of the system and the public money. "In the past," he believed, "there had been systematic neglect and mismanagement which should be watched closely by the different branchs of government, the Judiciary and the Executive branches, which fortunately they have promised to address the issue. Illegal payments made should be returned and the receivers of such salaries should be laid off from their positions. They enjoy no merit to make them fit to serve the public," the Leader warned, "the enemies however would make a propaganda against the Establishment which would target the more honest individuals in the ranks and files of the system unfairly. We should not tolerate new class of civil servants who have abused public money and their position which if left unaddressed, it would harm the credibility of the system," he demanded.