Publish Date: 1 October 2015 - 16:21

TEHRAN, Oct. 01 (MNA) – Iran's Interior Minister who heads Mina Tragedy Committee in Tehran sent a letter to his Saudi counterpart on Wednesday.

In a letter to his Saudi counterpart, Iran's Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli invited Mohammad bin Nayef to form a joint security and technical cooperation committee headed by Interior Ministers of Iran and Saudi Arabia to ease finding the causes of the disaster and provide decent help to the pilgrims affected by the event.

Further in his letter, the Iranian Minister calls Saudi evading of responsibility bitter than the tragedy and urged his counterpart to be legally, religiously, and conventionally responsible for shortcomings in hosting pilgrims and damages afflicted to visiting Hajjis.

Rahmani Fazli also asked Mohammad bin Nayef, in his letter, to cooperate with Iranian representatives and agents in Mecca to speed up the identification of the dead and provision of service to the injured.

The letter was handed to Saudi chargé d'affaires in Tehran, who was summoned to Iran’s Foreign Ministry on Wednesday, to be delivered to Mohammad bin Nayef Saudi Interior Minister.

This is the second letter of Rahmani Fazli to Mohammad bin Nayef as the first one was issued at the outbreak of the tragedy on September 24.

On Thursday morning, Rahmani Fazli paid a visit to families of Iranian diplomats Taghiani and Roknabadi to offer his condolences to the bereaved families.

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