WHO announces 3 day pause in Gaza war for polio vaccination
TEHRAN, Aug. 30 (MNA) –The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Thursday a "preliminary commitment for area-specific humanitarian pauses" during a polio vaccination campaign set to begin on Sept. 1 in the Gaza Strip.
AstraZeneca withdraws COVID-19 vaccine amid safety concerns
TEHRAN, May 08 (MNA) – The AstraZeneca pharmaceutical company has announced the withdrawal of its COVID-19 vaccine from global markets, citing decreased demand and safety concerns following revelations about rare blood clotting risks.
Iran vaccinates over 3,000 foreign nationals in S Khorasan
TEHRAN, Aug. 08 (MNA) – Some 3,300 foreign nationals have been immunized against measles, mumps, and rubella in Iran’s eastern province of South Khorasan, close to the border with Afghanistan, according to a provincial health official.
Iran becomes 5th country mastering pneumonia vaccine tech.
TEHRAN, Jul. 18 (MNA) – An Iranian official says the Islamic Republic has become the fifth country in the world to master the technology that is required to produce pneumonia vaccine.
Iran receives 2nd shipment of COVID-19 vaccines from Poland
TEHRAN, Jan. 26 (MNA) – Iran received the second shipment of 1 million doses of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine from the Polish Government on Tuesday.