Indian Navy rescues hijacked Iranian fishing vessel
TEHRAN, Mar. 30 (MNA) – The Indian Navy rescued an Iranian fishing vessel and its crew of Pakistani nationals after it responded to a piracy attack in the Arabian Sea, according to a statement.
14 Iranian fishermen freed after 8 years in Somalia
TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) – As many as 14 Iranian fishermen have been freed through diplomatic efforts of the foreign ministry after being held in Somalia for 8 years.
Iran naval fleet clashes with pirates in Red Sea
TEHRAN, Sep. 02 (MNA) – The 83rd fleet of the Iranian Army Navy Force has reported the clash with pirates in the Red Sea on Thursday.
Iran Navy escort team clashes with pirates in Red Sea
TEHRAN, May 18 (MNA) – Admiral Shahram Irani, Commander of the Iranian Army Navy, said on Wednesday that an army navy escort team engaged in clashes with a group of pirates who were trying to hijack an Iranian commercial ship in the Red Sea.
Iran’s Navy escort team foils pirates' attack in Gulf of Aden
TEHRAN, May 13 (MNA) – The 80th Naval Fleet of Iran’s Navy clashed with pirates on Friday morning after receiving a message that unidentified pirates have attacked an Iranian merchant ship in the Gulf of Aden with the Navy thwarting their attempt.
Iran Army Navy foils pirate attack on tanker in Gulf of Aden
TEHRAN, Nov. 01 (MNA) – The escort team of the Iran Army Navy, deployed on an Iranian tanker, clashed with pirates on Monday morning, thwarting their attack.