Persian Food
By: Amin Berenjkar
Samani cooking rituals held in Shiraz
TEHRAN, Feb. 22 (MNA) – Along with the anniversary of the birth of Hazrat Ruqayyah (PBUH) and on the eve of Nowruz, Samani cooking rituals were held in Shiraz of Fars Province.
Persian cuisine:
Abdoogh Khiar; Traditional refreshing cold soup for summer
TEHRAN, Jul. 22 (MNA) – This Persian cold yogurt soup (Ab Doogh Khiar) is destined for those hot summer days and it can be made as thick or as thin and is filled with cucumbers, raisins, walnuts, and herbs.
Bushehr; Land of delicious traditional seafood in Iran
TEHRAN, Mar. 24 (MNA) – Located on the shores of the Persian Gulf, Iran's southern province of Bushehr, is known for its local and traditional foods whose most important ingredients are tamarind, fish, shrimp, and dates.