Major flight disruptions hit Munich, Hamburg airports
TEHRAN, Feb. 27 (MNA) – Flights at Germany's two major airports are experiencing severe disruptions as a 48-hour strike by the ver.di union impacted operations, authorities said on Thursday.
Hamburg airport closed as police deal with hostage situation
TEHRAN, Nov. 05 (MNA) – Hamburg police said on Saturday they were dealing with a hostage situation after a man drove through a barrier onto the grounds of the city's airport with a child.
Bombing threat reported against Iran Air flight in Hamburg
TEHRAN, Oct. 09 (MNA) – The CEO of the Islamic Republic of Iran Airlines reported an email from an unknown person to the Hamburg police regarding the bomb threat on the Tehran-Hamburg flight.
VIDEO: Massive fire breaks out in Germany's Hamburg
TEHRAN, Apr. 09 (MNA) – The fire department in the German port city of Hamburg issued a warning on Sunday morning as a large fire billowed out smoke and hazardous gases.
'Deer' to vie at Hamburg's Mo & Friese Young Short FilmFest.
TEHRAN, May 28 (MNA) – Written and directed by Hadi Babaeifar, the Iranian short film 'Deer' is set to be screened at the 38th edition of the Mo & Friese Young Short Film Festival in Hamburg.