Mar 10, 2014, 1:35 PM

Iran willing to settle issues with Saudi Arabia

TEHRAN, March 10 (MNA) – Iran’s speaker of the Parliament has told Al-Mayadeen Iran is ready to settle issues with Saudi Arabia

Ali Larijani gave an interview to Al-Mayadeen Network on the regional issues in Islamic world.

Al-Mayadeen anchor asked Larijani about Iran’s redlines, and whether the security Iran’s national security was limited to inside borders or it encompassed for example Syria and Iraq, to which responded that it was limited to inside borders, but in some occasions, if the vital interests located outside Iran, it could be deemed national interest proper.

Asked about the difference between Iran’s support to Hamas and Hezbollah, the speaker told that Iran would support both these entities, but only the nature of support differed according to situations.

Al-Mayadeen anchor asked Larijani that reportedly, “ you have once said Iran would give its soul to defend Hezbollah, is it the same for Hamas?” to which Larijani told that the expression was a reaction to the US improper conduct when Iranian foreign minister paid homage to Emad Moghniyeh. “The US believed that the Iran’s conduct was not acceptable; we say that US would not understand the nature of our relations in the region, and would react as such,” Larijani told Al-Mayadeen. “We would support Muslims’ rights, but it depends on the situations,” he added.

Al-Mayadeen challenged Larijani when he told that Iran had claimed its support to Bashar al-Assad of Syria was purely political, but reports say Iran had sent troops there, to which Larijani told that he had been told before the stories were true, and believed that more investigation should be carried out into the claim. “Iran’s position on Syrian crisis is a political solution. We are committed to protect Syrian people. Some countries speak of democracy in Syria which is strange to me. If you are for democracy, why would not you support it in your own country,” Larijani asked rhetorically.

Asked whether Israeli frequent violation of southern Lebanon would trigger another war, Larijani told he believed that Hezbollah was wise and powerful enough to defend the Lebanese territories. “Any violations by the Zionist regime is playing with fire and would be damaged Israel just as happened in 33-day War,” he said.

In response to Al-Mayadeen anchor’s question that whether Iran would support Hezbollah, Syria, or Palestine in military in the case a war outbreaks with Israel, Larijani told that Israeli starting the war would be a gross miscalculation. “Hezbollah is in a position to inflict Israel with huge costs. It is very unlikely that Israel embarks on another war, since it would have its military damaged to greater extent,” he believed.

Asked about Pakistani extremists to Syria and Iran’s position, the speaker told that Iran had negotiated with Pakistan on the issue, and “they said that it is not a state-sponsored surge, but isolated individuals would go to Syria. Pakistan, like other countries, if engaged in Syria, would find nothing in return for compensation.”

Asked about the future of Iran-Saudi Arabian relations, Larijani told that it was an Iranian strategic issue to have relations with Islamic countries. “Saudi Arabia is an important country in the history of Islam, thus, Iran would not have any motive to engage in political quarrel with Saudi Arabia. Naturally, there are some differences of positions. But I believe that positions by both countries should be transparently communicated,” Larijani told Al-Mayadeen, and that “we are the first to start relations with Islamic countries, which is an Imam Khomeini (RA) legacy.”

Asked whether claims by Saudi media that Iran entertained occupation of Syria and Bahrain were true, Larijani told that Iran had not ever supported occupation of any country, let alone Bahrain and Syria. “We opposed occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and are in the right track,” he believed.

Asked about the political authority lent to Bandar bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia, Larijani told he had not had much information, but that “ he was occasionally discussed the issues with me. Individuals are not important, but it is the Islamic world which is matters. Individuals come and go, but differences still remain,” he said.

Asked whether Iran had problems in an entente with Saudi Arabia, Larijani told that Iran and Saudi Arabia had many common interests in Syria and no problem remained with Iran. “We would be the first in attempts to settle the differences,” he added.

Asked about Iran and Turkey’s clash of positions in Syria, Larijani believed that Iran’s clash with Turkey on Syria was on no tactical nature. “Our friends in Turkey would say the political solution was better for Syria, but in action they would go in different track. This is not to say that we ignore Turkish national interests in Syria when we would not accept such position, but that only we would prefer different position,” Larijani told Al-Mayadeen.

Al-Mayadeen asked Larijani about cold relations between Iran and Hamas after the outbreak of crisis in Syria, and whether it was a close relationship yet. “Yes, we had cordial ties with Hamas. We support h Hamas as a pivot of Resistance, though we would object to some of their positions,” he responded.

Asked about relations with Fatah, the speaker told that Iran’s relations with Fatah had dwindled after Oslo meeting, since Iran assessed it as a strategic error of judgment. “In Middle East peace process, the US and Israel seek to defraud Fatah, since they would not give the Palestinians their rights. Surely, these rights could not be salvaged on negotiation tables,” Larijani asserted.

Larijani told Al-Mayadeen that Iran’s nuclear issue had no bearing on the Palestinian issue when the anchor asked whether after Geneva deal with Powers, Palestinian rights would be violated.

Asked whether Saudi Arabia and Israel opposed Geneva deal and mounted pressures on the US to bring the negotiations to a failure, Larijani evaded the question by saying that “we should wait to see how the negotiated package would bring outcomes. If they are for political solutions, they would find the solution.”

Asked whether the Supreme Leader expressed ‘pessimism’ about the negotiations, Larijani interpreted Leader’s statement as being about the negotiations with the US, and believed that the history is on the Leader’s side.


News ID 102343

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