Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich was cited by the regime’s Channel 14 on Friday as declaring the occupation of 24,000 dunums (5930.5 acres) of the West Bank and classifying them as what he claimed to be “state lands.”
Stressing that the decision covers nearly half of the land confiscated as “state lands” since the Oslo Accords in 1993, the broadcaster said the announcement is a dramatic step that is expected to affect regional planning and change the face of the region.
“At the right time, today we completed a complex process to announce 24,000 dunums of new state lands in the West Bank,” Smotrich claimed.
According to Channel 14, the illegal settlement of Ma’ale Adumim, east of occupied al-Quds, would be expanded by approximately 2,600 dunums (642 acres) to the south to create a settlement chain linked to the illegal settlement of Kedar.
Other illegal settlements such as Migdal Oz and Susya in the southern West Bank and Yafit in the Jordan Valley will also be expanded.
MA/Press TV