TEHRAN, Sep. 02 (MNA) – The Iranian Foreign Minister said that Iran does not compromise with any side on the Palestine issue and Iranian officials always support the resistance of the Palestinian nation.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs who traveled to Lebanon at the head of a political delegation met and held talks with the general secretaries and officials of various Palestinian parties. Iran's ambassador in Lebanon also participated in this meeting.

The world order is undergoing fundamental changes and new actors are participating in the international system, Amir-Abdollahian said, adding that despite the efforts of the US to maintain its hegemony, the Resistance can achieve its goals powerfully.

Referring to the continued support of Iran to the Resistance and the Palestinian nation, he noted that the position of the Resistance in the region cannot be ignored and the Resistance as a main player in the region and in Palestine is receiving the attention of the West.

He emphasized that the Zionist regime threatened Palestinian resistance leaders with he assassination, knowing that it is losing on the battlefield.

The top diplomat stressed the unity of the various Palestinian groups has increased the strength of the Resistance and it has the absolute power to determine the issues of the region.

Emphasizing that Iran continues to strongly support the Palestinian nation and Resistance groups, he added that Iran does not compromise with any side regarding the Palestine issue.

Referring to the emphasis of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, he added that supporting the Resistance is the essence of Iran's foreign policy.

"The Resistance is in its best condition and we are confident that with the unity of the Palestinian groups and increasing the power of Resistance and standing of the Palestinian nation, we will witness the complete defeat of the Zionist enemy and the formation of a unitary Palestinian state with a capital of holy Quds", he stated.

The Palestinian officials participating in this meeting stated that the will of the Palestinian nation and Resistance is stronger today than ever before, and they will not retreat from their rights and will never surrender to the Zionist enemy.

Amir-Abdollahian arrived in the Lebanese capital on Thursday afternoon. Upon his arrival at Beirut airport, the top Iranian diplomat told reporters that Iran would continue its support for Lebanon.

The top Iranian diplomat held meetings with Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, as well as the leaders of the Palestinian resistance movements of Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in the Lebanese capital of Beirut.
