Publish Date: 31 August 2023 - 21:07

TEHRAN, Aug. 31 (MNA) – Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will sack his defense minister, Aleksey Reznikov, next week, a member of the country’s parliament has claimed.

“According to my information, Reznikov will leave the post of defense minister and will subsequently go as ambassador to the UK,” Yaroslav Zheleznyak, a member of the Golos Party, wrote on Telegram on Thursday, according  to Russia Today.

He also claimed that Rustem Umerov –who heads the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU), which executes government policy on privatization and manages state property– will replace Reznikov in the cabinet.

Before taking charge of SPFU in 2022, Umerov was a colleague of Zheleznyak’s in the Golos Party, which currently holds 20 out of 450 seats in the Verkhovna Rada.

The switch in the Ukrainian government will be announced in the “first week of September,” the MP claimed. According to Zheleznyak, Ukrainian embassies in some states were notified about the upcoming reshuffle on Wednesday.