TEHRAN, Aug. 21 (MNA) – The reliance on young and specialized domestic experts in the defense industry has led to prosperity in strengthening Iran's defense capabilities, the chief commander of the Iranian Army said Monday.

Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi made the remarks in a message to Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani to congratulate the occasion of August 22, the national Defense Industry Day.

 According to army commander, August 22 serves as a reminder of the great efforts of the warriors in the defense industry who have been able to bring significant achievements in the design and production of defense equipment and armaments. 

He stated that this domestic strategic capability has been achieved through foresight and the guidance of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution.

Mousavi added that such capability has not only become a source of hope and self-confidence for Iran's armed forces and the satisfaction of friendly and brotherly countries in the region and the world, but it has also instilled fear in Iran's enemies. 

He concluded that the Iranian army with the reliance on faithful, committed, and elite youth, as well as academic institutions and knowledge-based companies will continue the path of self-reliance in meeting defense needs and enhancing Iran's military capabilities with strength. 
