TEHRAN, Jul. 11 (MNA) – The situation in the confrontation between Russia and NATO is degrading to the most unfavorable scenario on the eve of the NATO summit in Vilnius, Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov said on Tuesday.

"On the eve of the NATO Summit, the atmosphere in the U.S. information landscape has heated up to the limit. Every possible effort is being made to prepare local public opinion to accept any anti-Russian decisions that will be taken in Vilnius in the coming days", Antonov told reporters, Sputnik reported.

He added that the situation continues to degrade to the most unfavorable outcome of the confrontation between Russia and the NATO countries.

He noted that the measures taken by the Western countries created more and more insurmountable obstacles on the way out of the most acute military and political crisis, "fraught with the most serious consequences for international security."