TEHRAN, Jun. 11 (MNA) – China firmly supports the Palestinians' just cause of restoring their legitimate national rights, a Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson said, adding that the Palestinian question is at the heart of the Middle East issues.

President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas is an old and good friend of the Chinese people and the first Arab head of state to be hosted by China this year. This speaks volumes about the high-level friendly relations between China and Palestine, Wang Wenbin said in his presser when he was asked about Abbas's upcoming visit to China.

China and Palestine enjoy a traditional friendship. China is one of the first countries to recognize the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the State of Palestine, he said, according to China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In recent years, thanks to the personal guidance of President Xi Jinping and Abbas, China-Palestine relations have maintained a good momentum of growth with stronger political mutual trust and deeper friendship between the two peoples, he added.

China stands ready to work with Palestine to follow through on the common understandings of the leaders of the two countries and take the China-Palestine traditional friendship to new heights, Wenbin noted.

The Palestinian question is at the heart of the Middle East issue and matters to the region’s peace and stability and global equity and justice. China has all along firmly supported the Palestinian people’s just cause of restoring their legitimate national rights.

As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China will continue to work with the international community for a comprehensive, just and enduring solution to the Palestinian question at an early date.