The New York Times said on Thursday, citing senior US officials, that classified war documents were posted this week on Twitter and Telegram, which is widely used in Russia, Reuters reported
A Ukrainian official told Reuters the documents contained a "very large amount of fictitious information" and the posts looked like a Russian disinformation operation to sow doubts about the offensive, which requires advanced Western weapons.
Speaking to Reuters on condition of anonymity, three US officials said that Russia or pro-Russian elements are likely behind the leak, which offers a partial, month-old snapshot of the war in Ukraine.
Later on Friday, an additional batch of classified documents appearing to detail US national security secrets pertaining to areas including Ukraine, the Middle East and China surfaced on social media, the New York Times reported.
The Pentagon has declined to comment on the authenticity of the documents. The initial batch dated Mar 1 beared markings showing them classified as Secret and Top Secret.
A leak of such sensitive documents is highly unusual and would automatically trigger an investigation.
"We are aware of the reports of social media posts and the Department (of Defense) is reviewing the matter," Pentagon spokesperson Sabrina Singh said.
In a statement, a CIA spokesperson said that the agency is also aware of the posts and is looking into the claims.