TEHRAN, Mar. 18 (MNA) – A Russian Lancet kamikaze drone has destroyed a Ukrainian multiple-launch rocket system (MLRS) with a high-precision strike in the Avdeevka direction, the Russian Defense Ministry says.

The ministry released video footage of a Czechoslovakia-produced RM-70 multiple rocket launcher getting hit and subsequently destroyed by the Russian loitering munition on Saturday.

"The combat vehicle was discovered by UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle] crews in the Avdeevka direction in the zone of the special military operation. After that, it was destroyed by high-precision loitering munition [Lancet]," the Russian defense ministry said.

The ministry added that the Russian loitering munition is effectively used to destroy the military equipment of the Ukrainian troops, such as artillery pieces, tanks, armored vehicles, and air defense systems.

Earlier this month, an informed source told Sputnik that Russian loitering munition Izdeliye-52 (Lancet) had been modernized based on the experience of using it during the special military operation in Ukraine.

The basic version of the drone has been significantly upgraded and now has a more powerful warhead, a new optoelectronic guidance system, and a control system with new software.