Publish Date: 13 January 2023 - 20:00

TEHRAN, Jan. 13 (MNA) – The collective West is the real source behind the crisis in Ukraine and its narrative blaming Russia for creating threats to international peace is hypocritical, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzia said.

"International law was repeatedly floated and harmed, well before that, and not by Russia," Nebenzia said during a UN Security Council open debate on the rule of law.

"Let us take some of these examples, the real source of the Ukraine crisis, the hypocrisy of the West and its absolute unwillingness to address the other’s interests."

The collective West has been pushing the narrative that Russia is responsible for threats to international peace and security while ignoring its own egregious violations of international law, Nebenzia said, according to Sputnik.

The Russian ambassador pointed out that the current crisis goes back to the United States' desire to play the role of a global policeman, which Washington unilaterally took upon itself.

Russia believes that international law was dealt a "fatal blow" when European countries trampled on the guarantees made to the democratically-elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who was stripped of his post in violation of the then constitution, he said.

Nebenzia also listed various instances where the collective West failed to uphold international law and was never held accountable for violating the rule of law such as in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Ukraine.

"If Washington or its allies need to invade somewhere or bomb somewhere, it suffices to declare that there are terrorists there," Nebenzia added.

Nebenzia earlier blasted calls to launch a tribunal to investigate Russia's alleged aggression against Ukraine, underscoring the such an initiative would be "ridiculous" and a complete waste of time.